Month: August 2009


    This site is 100% Protected!!

    This site is protected ya'll! If you want to be added, Just ask me...

    I am a 26 year old female who is very happily married!! I've been
    wtih my hubby for over 8 years and he is the love of my life!!!

    I'm the mother of one precious little girl- Who was born November 14, 2005!!! Her name is Nadia Husam!!!!

    Easter 2008 073

    She's my Angel.


    I have a little boy who was born April 11th 2008 and his name is Sami Husam!!

     sweeties 013

    We are expecting a Surprise on January 13th 2010



    This is me and my handsome hubby

    Me and HusamOver 7
    years and still going strong <3<3 Ana behibak ya habibi (I notice
    there are a lot of girls searching about anorexia coming to my site
    because of this phrase" "Ana behibak ya habibi" Is I love you my
    baby... In arabic.. NOTHING to do with Anorexia.. So ya'll can stop
    coming here...

    My parenting views- So no one is surprised!! lol

    1. I am VERY pro-breasteeding and anti-formula- (No I'm not against
    formula feeding moms- MY Mom was a formula feeder and ilove her dearly)
    but I AM AGAINST FORMULA- I think it's crap in a can and I've become
    extremely educated on it- NO GOOD. educate yourself!!!! I am glad I
    nursed/nurse both my children. I support full term nursing and self

    2. I co-sleep- It's not up for debate.

    3. I do NOT SPANK EVER. Id ont' believe in physical discipline- I find gentler ways to correct my kids. And it works for us.

    4. I baby wear. Full time.

    5. I cloth diaper.

    6. You will hear no excuses or apologies for my beliefs